MILWAUKEE -- For more than 30 years, people have been seeing ... something ... near Elkhorn.

"If there was such thing as a werewolf, this is it," said Linda Godfrey, an author and investigator who first learned of the sightings of the mysterious creature when she worked as a general assignment reporter for a small newspaper. Her dealings with the sightings started with an odd tip in the fall of 1991.

"Our county animal control officer had a file folder marked 'werewolf' that he kept in his office," she said.

He'd collected more than a decade of sightings from people who had seen a mysterious animal near Bray Road outside of Elkhorn. All of the sightings described as similar answer.

"It was between five and seven feet tall. It had a head like a wolf or a German Shephard and dog legs, but it walked only on its hind legs," she said.

The more she looked into it, the more people with stories of sightings came out of the woodwork. It got to the point where she began to believe there was something there.

"I can't help but think that there's something to it," she said.

She admits it's crazy, even saying she laughed when she first heard the rumors. But she's swayed by the first person accounts.

"The weight of the anecdotal evidence, if nothing else, seems to help people at least keep an open mind," she said.

Godfrey has never seen the animal herself, but has collected footprints of what she says is an unidentified canine animal, the castings of which have been verified by the Department of Natural Resources as coming from the back legs of a dog-like creature. She still hopes for hard evidence, and thinks it may be out there.

"There are so many people out there searching right now that sooner or later, somebody will find the DNA," she said.

Until then, keep an eye out and your camera ready.

This story originally appeared on